Monthly Feature

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Newly Published:

THE GERMAN TEXAS FRONTIER IN 1853 “This book is an important contribution to the controversy about the Hill Country Germans and their relationship to Native Americans, and especially their relationship to the southern (Penateka) Comanches and the storied Comanche Peace Treaty of 1847.”—James C. Kearney, author of Nassau Plantation (UNT Press) and translator and editor of Friedrichsburg: Colony of the German Fürstenverein

THE US EIGHTH AIR FORCE IN WORLD WAR II “There are no works focusing exclusively and heavily on the arduous process of standing up Eighth Air Force and VIII Bomber Command, and of making the latter a combat-effective force.” -Robert S. Ehlers Jr., author of The Mediterranean Air War: Airpower and Allied Victory in World War II

New in paperback!

FIREARMS OF THE TEXAS RANGERS “Drawing on his decades of law enforcement and firearms experience, Dukes has provided something unique to the body of Texas Ranger literature.”—Darren L. Ivey, author of The Ranger Ideal Volume 1 and Volume 2