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“NIGHTMARE IN THE PACIFIC has great significance for jazz historians, big band fans, World War II students and scholars, military historians, and military libraries. It fills a large hole in the personal biography of Artie Shaw and the history of American military and popular music of World War II.”—Russ Girsberger, librarian and Navy School of Music history specialist at the Naval School of Music Library
WARRIORS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY “Maria Jiménez is one of the most important Latinas in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This is an essential biography of a transnational political activist, organizer, and thinker placed in the context of Houston, a city that witnessed major global changes in the twentieth century.”—Cynthia Orozco, author of No Mexicans, Women, or Dogs Allowed: The Rise of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement
FORT WORTH CHARACTERS 2 “Selcer has perfected the short profile format for Fort Worth history. His judgments of his subjects are based on solid research. He is very good at finding the humanity, in all of its ups and downs, in each subject. He is a meticulous researcher who pays enormous attention to detail.”—Quentin McGown, author of Remembering Fort Worth and Historic Photos of Fort Worth
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THE PHANTOM VIETNAM WAR “The Phantom Vietnam War will be the standard against which other memoirs are measured—Honodel is one hell of a good pilot and a great storyteller.” —–Earl H. Tilford, author of Crosswinds: The Air Force in Vietnam
LIFE AND DEATH IN THE CENTRAL HIGHLANDS “Gillam, a ‘shake and bake’ sergeant, presents a good account of small unit infantry action during the war. He is very good at explaining the weaponry, tactics, and living conditions in the field.”-—James E. Westheider, author of The African-American Experience in Vietnam