Texas Rangers: Lives, Legend, and Legacy
July, 2017
107 b&w illus. Notes. Bib. Index.
About Alexander and Brice's Texas Rangers
Authors Bob Alexander and Donaly E. Brice grappled with several issues when deciding how to relate a general history of the Texas Rangers. Should emphasis be placed on their frontier defense against Indians, or focus more on their role as guardians of the peace and statewide law enforcers? What about the tumultuous Mexican Revolution period, 1910-1920? And how to deal with myths and legends such as One Riot, One Ranger?
Texas Rangers: Lives, Legend, and Legacy is the authors’ answer to these questions, a one-volume history of the Texas Rangers. The authors begin with the earliest Rangers in the pre-Republic years in 1823 and take the story up through the Republic, Mexican War, and Civil War. Then, with the advent of the Frontier Battalion, the authors focus in detail on each company A through F, relating what was happening within each company concurrently. Thereafter, Alexander and Brice tell the famous episodes of the Rangers that forged their legend, and bring the story up through the twentieth century to the present day in the final chapters.
“This single-volume work should be on the shelf of every Texas history buff.” —Bill O’Neal, State Historian of Texas
About the Authors
BOB ALEXANDER is the co-author of Texas Rangers and author of Rawhide Ranger, Ira Aten; Whiskey River Ranger; Six-Shooters and Shifting Sands; Bad Company and Burnt Powder; Riding Lucifer’s Line; and Winchester Warriors, all published by UNT Press. He lives in Maypearl, Texas.
DONALY E. BRICE was Senior Research Assistant at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and is the author of The Great Comanche Raid and coauthor of Texas Ranger N. O. Reynolds and The Governor’s Hounds. He lives in Lockhart, Texas.