Writers and Publishers Guide to Texas Markets, 1997-1999, Fourth Edition
Practical Guide Series
January, 1997
About Writers and Publishers Guide to Texas Markets, 1997-1999, Fourth Edition
“Any writer seeking a publisher should have a copy of this book, which includes many book, magazine, playwriting and newspaper markets overlooked by national writers’ publications.” —Brazosport Facts
“Highly praised by us in its previous incarnations, the new edition is still a model for such guides. Information is succinct but thorough… Coverage is excellent and includes book publishers, magazines (including those tiny literary ones), even literary and publishing prizes.” —Books of the Southwest
“This reference work lists Texas book publishers, magazine publishers, newspapers, writers’ groups, literary agents and more. Free lance writers will cheer this new edition.” —Houston Chronicle
“…another superb directory… “ —Texas Library Journal
“A reference book that qualifies as a model regional literary market guide.” —Amarillo News & Globe-Times