Author: Stephen Alan Bourque

Works Published by UNT Press

Tubby: Raymond O. Barton and the US Army, 1889-1963

— Vol. 24: of North Texas Military Biography and Memoir Series

Published: November, 2024  Pages: 512  Features: 39 b&w illus. 6 maps. Notes. Bib. Index.

Entering West Point from central Oklahoma, Raymond O. Barton’s prowess on the football field and wrestling team earned him the nickname “Tubby,” an appellation used by his friends and fellow officers for the rest of his life. Based on personal letters and documents, this biography explores Barton’s military career from his days as a cadet through thirty-seven years of military service, culminating with his command in World War II of the 4th Infantry Division during the US Army’s campaign in France. From the inside readers have a picture of officership during the intense days of training and expansion on the eve of World War II. Finally, thanks to the discovery of his war diary, we have a close-up view of his senior leadership as he trained in England for the landing on Utah Beach on June 6, 1944. more... about Tubby: Raymond O. Barton and the US Army, 1889-1963

Road to Safwan: The 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry in the 1991 Persian Gulf War

Published: November, 2007  Pages: 336  Features: 20 b&w illus. 5 figures. 8 maps. Notes. Bib. Index.

The Road to Safwan is a complete history of the 1st Infantry Divisions cavalry unit fighting in Operation Desert Storm. Stephen A. Bourque and John W. Burdan III served in the 1st Infantry Bourque in Division Headquarters, Burdan as the Operations Officer of the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry. Based on extensive interviews and primary sources, Bourque and Burdan provide the most in-depth coverage to date of a battalion-level unit in the 1991 war, showing how the unit deployed, went into combat, and adapted to changing circumstances. more... about Road to Safwan: The 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry in the 1991 Persian Gulf War