The Folklore of Texan Cultures
vol. 38: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society
January, 1974
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About Abernethy's The Folklore of Texan Cultures
The Folklore of Texan Cultures is now available as a free e-book at the UNT Digital Library and The Portal to Texas History.
A lot of different kinds of people have come to Texas since the Spanish first met the Indians within its borders. And that is what this book is about all the Cajuns and Mexicans and Czechs, all the colors and breeds and bones that have come to Texas and mixed their blood and their ways of life with the land they settled and the people they neighbored with. The main body of the book consists of writings about the customs and cures and the songs and stories and tales that twenty-four different ethnic groups brought with them when they came to stay in Texas.
About the Author
FRANCIS EDWARD ABERNETHY was Regents Professor Emeritus of English at Stephen F. Austin State University, the executive secretary and editor of the Texas Folklore Society, the curator of exhibits for the East Texas Historical Association, and a member of the Texas Institute of Letters. In addition to editing twenty-one Texas Folklore Society publications, he wrote Singin’ Texas, Legends of Texas’ Heroic Age, and all three volumes of the Texas Folklore Society history, published by the University of North Texas Press.
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