Rainbow in the Morning
vol. 5: Publications of the Texas Folklore Society
January, 1926
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About Dobie's Rainbow in the Morning
Rainbow in the Morning is now available as a free e-book at the UNT Digital Library and The Portal to Texas History.
This was the fourth book edited by Dobie for the Society. His energy and enthusiasm were stimulating the collection and study of Texas lore, and readers in general, in addition to teachers and librarians, were becoming aware that Texas possessed an interesting and valuable folklore.
Dobie’s article on tournament as he knew it in Live Oak County gives information interesting equally to historians of folk festivals and biographers of Dobie. Mary Jourdan Atkinson has recorded many colorful sayings that are seldom heard today; Gates Thomas has some fine songs that he heard sung by African-American workers in the country around Winchester; Douglas Branch presents an essay on buffalo lore; Mary Daggett Laske gives some Christmas customs of Tarrant County; John K. Strecker presents two papers on reptiles of the South and Southwest. In addition to other essays, this reprint added a pamphlet by Will H. Thomas on Negro folksongs which appeared in 1912.
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