Computer Composer's Toolbox
February, 2000
About Winsor's Computer Composer's Toolbox
Enter the world of computer-aided composition. It is easy with Phil Winsor’s Computer Composer’s Toolbox. Discover the enormous creative and time-saving potential of computerized music composition. Whether you are a musician hoping to see what the computer can do for you or a computer hobbyist interested in learning about music, Computer Composer’s Toolbox has something to offer. More than 100 ready-to-use subroutines are included to illuminate key concepts throughout the book.
Included are:
- Instructions for programming in BASIC—perfect if you are a musician or music student just getting acquainted with computers
- A beginning course in musical composition, showing in detail how to create a variety of sounds with the computer
- Insights into contemporary trends in both music composition and computerized sound
- A practical, hands-on library of 117 music music-generating subroutines, with descriptions of the results you can expect from them
- Actual program modules that you can use as models or even plug into your own compositions immediately
Table of Contents:
- Utilities
- Series and Motive Operations
- Probability Distribution Functions
- Sorting and Searching
- Sound/Text Composition
- General Composition
Printed on demand.
About the Author
An accomplished musician and Professor of Composition at the University of North Texas, PHIL WINSOR is Director of the Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia and a Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in the Arts and Sciences, and the author of three other books on computer-assisted music composition.
For more information on these books and the author, please visit Phil Winsor’s web site at http://www.melted.ears.iwarp.com