Author: Alfredo E. Cárdenas

Works Published by UNT Press

Duval County Tejanos: An Epic Narrative of Liberty and Democracy

— Vol. 9: of Texas Local

Published: September, 2024  Pages: 416  Features: 14 b&w illus. 2 maps. Notes. Bib. Index.

In Texas, to hear the words “Duval County” evokes Archie and George Parr, politics, and corruption. But this does not represent the full truth about this South Texas county and its Tejano citizens. Duval County Tejanos showcases Tejanos engaged in community life: they organized politically, cultivated land, and promoted agriculture, livestock raising, the local economy, churches, schools, patriotic celebrations, and social activities. more... about Duval County Tejanos: An Epic Narrative of Liberty and Democracy