The Viewpoints of Stanley Marcus: A Ten-Year Perspective
April, 1995
About Marcus's The Viewpoints of Stanley Marcus
“My definition for quality in a product is something that performs what it was designed to do regularly and consistently, and with a pleasing aesthetic form. The article might be costly, such as a Barguzin sable coat, or inexpensive, like a Bic cigarette lighter.” —Stanley Marcus
Stanley Marcus has spent most of his life not only creating a retailing enterprise renowned throughout the world as the epitome of quality, but also raising the level of taste of all who desire “the better things in life.” In doing so, he has played a key role in making Dallas itself a success.
His common sense, down-to-earth viewpoints have appeared in The Dallas Morning News for a decade. His feet-on-the-ground, insider’s views on the city of Dallas are gathered in this collection which comments on the international world as well. His opinions cover topics from airlines to business, from biscuits to politics, from education to manners.
“I’ve always thought that if I were the national ruler of the world I’d make sure every child in America spent at least one summer on the road to observe for himself the magnificent variety our country offers.”
“Learn to complain, politely but firmly, when you receive what you believe to be inferior goods or service. Don’t register your complaint with the salesperson or the waiter, but with the owner.”
About the Author
STANLEY MARCUS, Chairman Emeritus of the Neiman Marcus stores, received a B.A. degree from Harvard University and also attended Harvard Business School. A noted lecturer who published fine press miniature books out of The Somesuch Press, he wrote Minding the Store, Viewpoints of Stanley Marcus, and Stanley Marcus from A to Z all from the University of North Texas Press.