Star Trek Visions of Law and Justice
February, 2005
Notes. Bib. Index.
Recommended Text
Ideal for Classrooms
About Chairs and Chilton's Star Trek Visions of Law and Justice
Star Trek Visions of Law and Justice weds popular media with academic inquiry, by illustrating the connection between the future world of Star Trek and today’s American and international legal system. Editors Robert H. Chaires and Bradley Chilton collect fourteen articles exploring issues of the legal system, international law, corrections, justice, and equality. Scholars in law, political science, criminal justice, sociology, education, and public administration provide a truly interdisciplinary perspective on the Star Trek universe and how it relates to the real world of law and justice today.
Star Trek Visions of Law and Justice is for anyone interested in what the future holds for the American justice system and for fans of Star Trek worldwide. It makes an ideal text to teach students interdisciplinary academic concepts using a familiar, popular media phenomenon.
Distributed for Adios Press.
Classroom Adoption
Star Trek Visions of Law and Justice is a recommended text for use in classrooms where the following subjects are being studied: Criminal Justice.
This volume collects fourteen articles connecting popular media with academic inquiry, illustrating the connections between the future world of Star Trek and current issues in international law, law and justice, and the American legal system. It makes an ideal text to teach students interdisciplinary academic concepts using a familiar, popular media phenomenon.
Adopted By
[“California Polytechnic State University”, “San Luis Obispo for "Science Fiction and Politics"”, “University of North Texas”, “University of Nevada-Reno”]
About the Editor
ROBERT H. CHAIRS is an assistant professor of criminal justice at the University of Nevada-Reno. He is the author and coauthor of numerous articles on minority and civil rights issues in criminal justice.
BRADLEY CHILTON is an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of North Texas. He is the author of Prisons under the Gavel: The Federal Court Takeover of Georgia Prisons.