Code of Conduct

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(with thanks to the University of Georgia Press’s statement)

The University of North Texas Press is committed to creating a culture that supports the publishing excellence that is vital to our mission. To that end, the Press actively sustains a positive environment in which its staff, authors, reviewers, student interns, editorial board, media, vendors, and other partners may participate in the business of peer-reviewed publishing in an exemplary professional manner. This environment is defined by constructive relationships, open communication, mutual respect, and equity and inclusion. As such, the Press will not tolerate discrimination or harassment per University of North Texas policy, as well as illegal, dishonest, or unethical professional conduct.

In affirming this Code of Conduct, we commit to a positive, professional, sensitive, and supportive environment, free of abuse, discrimination, and harassment of others. We commit to hold challenging discussions of differences in a professional, non-confrontational manner and with respect to a diversity of viewpoints. We expect our staff, authors, and all of our collaborators to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner in all facets of their professional lives. When such expectations are not met, the Press will take appropriate action, including the termination of partnerships that we believe violate or threaten our ability to achieve a positive culture of collaboration and responsibility.

If you believe that the Code of Conduct has been violated, please contact the Director of the Press, Ronald Chrisman.