Club Icarus
vol. 20: Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry
- Winner of the Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry 2012
April, 2013
Recommended Text
Ideal for Classrooms
About Miller's Club Icarus
With muscular language and visceral imagery, Club Icarus bears witness to the pain, the fear, and the flimsy mortality that births our humanity as well as the hope, humor, love, and joy that completes it. This book will appeal to sons and fathers, to parents and children, to those tired of poetry that makes no sense, to those who think lyric poetry is dead, to those who think the narrative poem is stale, to those who think that poetry has sealed itself off from the living world, and to those who appreciate the vernacular as the language of living and the act of living as something worth putting into language.
“A down-to-earth intelligence and an acute alertness to the gritty movement of language are what you’ll treasure most in Matt Miller’s Club Icarus. If you love sentences that fiercely sing the full measure of human tides—from joy to grief—you just might pass this book on to a friend or relative who needs it, or even better yet, purchase their own copy.” —Major Jackson, author of Holding Company and judge
The Beauty of a Nail
hangs on it being
unseen as when
it suspends a
painting or some
caught on camera
moment on a plain wall
or the way within
the wall it holds up
the house, the pipes,
the unrolled
insulation or even
when somewhat seen
as when it holds a man
up to martyrdom—
always it is the tool,
not the meaning.
Classroom Adoption
Club Icarus is a recommended text for use in classrooms where the following subjects are being studied: Creative Writing, Literature, and Poetry.
With muscular language and visceral imagery, Club Icarus bears witness to the pain, the fear, and the flimsy mortality that births our humanity as well as the hope, humor, love, and joy that completes it. This book will appeal to sons and fathers, to parents and children, to those tired of poetry that makes no sense, to those who think lyric poetry is dead, to those who think the narrative poem is stale, to those who think that poetry has sealed itself off from the living world, and to those who appreciate the vernacular as the language of living and the act of living as something worth putting into language.
Adopted By
[“University of Alabama in Huntsville for "Introduction to Creative Writing"”]
About the Author
MATT W. MILLER was born and grew up in Lowell, Massachusetts. He earned a BA at Yale University, where he also played varsity football, and his MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College. His poems have appeared in Slate, Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Third Coast, and other journals. His first book, Cameo Diner: Poems, was published in
- A Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University , Miller has been nominated for five Pushcart Prizes. Currently, he is an instructor of English and a football coach at Philips Exeter Academy. He lives in Exeter, New Hampshire, with his wife and their children.
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